Attendance and absences

The Department of Education and Training require all student absences to be reported to the school on the day of the absence.


Daily school attendance is important for all children and young people to succeed in education and to ensure they don’t fall behind both socially and developmentally.


School helps children and young people to develop important skills, knowledge and values that set them up for further learning and participation in their community. School helps them to make the most of life opportunities.

Research has found that the rate of absenteeism in schools has a significant impact on student learning. This is particularly so if a high absence rate (11 days or more) is repeated each year.


To assist us (WPS) in managing this, please report a student absence by 9am on the morning of the absence via Compass.


Student illness:

Student absences over consecutive days, require absences recorded each day via Compass.


Medical Appointments:

Students are to be signed in and out for medical appointments by a parent/carer. This is done at the office Compass Kiosk. An additional Kiosk is now located in the WEB at Clarke Street.


Late Arrival:

Parent/Carer to report to the office with your child to register their arrival at the Compass Kiosk. An additional Kiosk is now located in the WEB at Clarke Street.


Extended Absence/Holidays:

Parent/Carer to record the period of extended absence on Compass stating the reason and length of absence.


Unexplained Absences / No contact from parent/carer

Compass will send the parent/carer notification by 10.30am the morning of their child's absence advising them their child is not present and to record their absence on Compass.


Every day counts
Every day counts (fact sheet)
Same-day notification of student absences (fact sheet)
Attendance legislation (fact sheet)