Grilled pear and thyme salad with spinach and mustard leaves


  • Metric measuring spoons and cups
  • Salad spinner.
  • Colander.
  • Chopping board
  • Bowls 2 small and 1 large
  • Serving bowls x 4
  • Serving spoons x 4
  • Whisker.
  • Barbeque grill or skillet.
  • 2 tea towels.
  • Knives 1 small 1 large.
  • Tongs


  • 1 large mustard leaves.
  • 12 large spinach leaves.
  • 5 parsley stalks.
  • 3 pears
  • 1 tablespoon of thyme leaves.
  • ¼ cup olive oil.


  • 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar.
  • ¼ teaspoon sugar.
  • ½ cup olive oil.
  • Freshly ground pepper

What to do

  • Firstly begin to pre heat you grilling pan.
  • Slice the pears length ways and place into a small bowl with the thyme and ¼ cup of olive oil, leave to marinate for about 15 mins.
  • Next fill a large bowl with cold water, and then tip all the salad leaves and parsley leaves into the bowl to soak for about 5 mins. Don’t forget to tear the stems away from the leaves and put them into the compost bin. Then lift the leaves into a colander to allow them to drain.
  • Tip the water into a bucket and eventually use this water to water the garden. Place all the freshly washed leaves and herbs on to a tea towel to remove the excess water.
  • Now begin to tear all the large spinach and mustard leaves into small portions and place into the salad spinner to remove any remaining moisture from the leaves.
  • Put all the leaves including the parsley onto a tea towel and roll up like a parcel. Keep in the rolled parcel in the refrigerator until needed.
  • Now it should be time to begin to grill the marinated pears. Place a few pears on the griller at a time. Turn the pears over once they begin to sizzle. Once all the pears have been cook set them aside to cool.
  • To make the dressing set out your large bowl and whisker. Place the balsamic vinegar and sugar into the large bowl, begin to whisk the liquid and slowly start to add the olive oil, you will notice the dressing will begin to become thicker the longer you whisk. Once all the oil has been added finish the dressing with some cracked pepper.
  • Unwrap the parcel of salad leaves and tip them into a large bowl, then place the grilled pears in and the dressing. Mix all the ingredients together.
  • Place the salad into 4 salad bowls and with the salad servers.