Caramelised pear tarts with raspberry cream


  • Serving platters x 4
  • Large knife
  • Scales
  • Bowls x2 large
  • Metric measuring spoon
  • Slotted spoon
  • Baking trays x 4
  • Chopping board.
  • Balloon whisk x1
  • Serving spoon x2
  • 1x pastry brush.
  • 1x small saucepan


  • 500 ml thickened cream
  • 6 large poached pears.
  • ¼ cup caster sugar.
  • 3 to 4 sheets puff pastry.
  • 2 eggs.
  • ½ cup mixed berries.
  • 2x heaped tablespoons of raspberry jam

What to do

  • Pre heat the oven at 200C. Seat the chopping board and knife out. Slice the poached pears into 4 and set aside in a bowl.
  • Cut the puff pastry sheets into 8 even rectangles; place them onto the baking trays.
  • Brush the pastry with the beaten eggs.
  • Next place the quarter piece of pear on to the pastry and bake in the oven for about15 mins or until the pastry is golden brown.
  • While this is happening begin to make the raspberry cream. Place the sugar, cream and mixed berries into a large bowl and begin to whisk. Keep whisking until the cream forms a soft peak you will notice the berries will become one with the cream and a lovely pink colour will form. Serve with the pear tart once it is cooked.
  • Now it is time to warm the jam. Put the jam into a small saucepan and simmer until it becomes liquid. Brush the mixture onto the tarts while they are still warm and serve with the raspberry cream.