Leafy salad

This simple and tasty dish uses salad leaves and herbs from the garden.


  • large bowl
  • salad spinne
  • rtea towel
  • kitchen paper
  • chopping board
  • knives – 1 small, 1 large
  • juicer
  • tablespoon
  • metric measuring cups
  • whisk
  • tongs
  • salad bowl
  • salad servers


  • 4 cups mixed salad leaves from the garden
  • 2 cups mixed small leaves and herbs, beetroot leaves, baby spinach, sorrel,, parsley etc)

Classic vinaigrette dressing

  • 1 clove garlic
  • salt
  • 1 lemon or red wine vinegar
  • 1/3 cup extra–virgin olive oil
  • freshly ground black pepper

What to do

  • Fill a large bowl with cold water, then tip all the leaves into the bowl to soak for a few minutes. Tear the stems away from the spinach leaves (or if the leaves are very small, just cut off any extra stems). Lift the leaves onto the draining-board of the sink.
  • Lift out small handfuls at a time and place them in the salad spinner. Working in batches, dry the leaves in the salad spinner (very gently).
  • Spread out a dry tea towel, and line it with a long piece of kitchen paper. Tip the dried leaves onto the paper and roll up like a parcel, within the tea towel. Keep the rolled parcel of leaves in the refrigerator until needed. Rinse and dry the bowl well.
  • To make the classic vinaigrette dressing, set out the chopping board and knives. Peel and chop the garlic and place in the mortar with a pinch of salt, then pound it with the pestle until it becomes a paste. Juice the lemon and add the juice to the mortar, then stir with the tablespoon to combine and scrape it into the large bowl. Stir in the olive oil and add some pepper, then whisk the dressing lightly to combine it.
  • Unwrap the parcel of salad leaves and tip them into the bowl with the dressing, then gently turn them in the dressing with tongs or your hands.
  • Use the salad servers to lift portions of salad onto the plates, then serve immediately.