
Westgarth Primary School has a number of forms available for downloading. The forms listed below may be reviewed from time to time. Please contact the school for further information and check this Web page regularly for updates.



  • Medication Authority Form
  • Photographing, Filming and Recording students at Westgarth Primary School Annual Consent Form and Collection Notice - This form is an opt out permission that covers photographing, filming or recording students participating in school activities and events.
  • Prep - Year 4 Local Excursion Permission - This consent form is on Compass and allows Prep to Year 4 students to attend local excursions within walking distance of the school.
  • Year 5 - 6 Walking Excursion Permission - This consent form is on Compass and allows Year 5 and 6 students to attend local excursions within walking distance of the school and interschool sport.
  • Seesaw Form - This consent form is on Compass and captures your child's learning in real time and can then be shared with you via the app.